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    Road bike must have accessories

    Introducing the 10 must have cycling accessories you should not miss out on:

    Pushing through tough rides, no matter if they are really long uphill pulls or highly intensive and long training sessions, these must have cycling accessories will make every bike tour easier. The right equipment to take with you on every ride,  includes pieces that can help you in times of need and can work as performance enhancers. We’ve listed our personal accessories choices in order of importance from 1-10.

    1. Pump, repair tool and replacement bicycle tube
    2. Phone case
    3. Water and snacks
    4. Gloves
    5. Bike computer
    6. Leg and arm covers
    7. Money
    8. Overshoes
    9. Caps
    10. Lights


    1. Pump, repair tool and replacement bicycle tube

    Having the security to get home, even if you have a flat tire in the middle of nowhere, is top on our list. Must-have cycling accessories to ensure safety and security while cycling are essential. Even the best cyclists can overlook a piece of glass on the side of the road, forget to check their wheels before the ride or crash, resulting in a flat tire or another problem with the bike.


    Being able to repair your bike on your own is part of being a cyclist and, to do that, the right tools are necessary. You can’t repair a flat tire without having an additional bicycle tube and a pump and you can’t adjust anything without a repair tool. Safety is paramount and that is why the combination of a pump, repair kit and replacement bicycle tube is our number one must-have bike accessory.


    2. Phone case

    When cycling it is important to have your phone with you, especially when you are riding in areas you don’t know or alone. You never know if you will get lost or, in the worst case, crash and be in need of help. That is why it is imperative to have your phone with you on every ride.


    Sweating is a normal and healthy thing to do while cycling, but you don’t want to sweat directly onto your expensive phone. That’s why our number two must-have is a good cycling phone case. Often cyclists just put their phones in a plastic bag or whatever is handy at the moment. That’s a solution, but not a great one as the bag can tear or retain moisture exposing your phone to the corrosive effects of perspiration. And, let’s be honest, plastic bags don’t look great either.


    Q36.5 produces effective cycling phone cases which are made out of a two-layer water proof fabric and are almost entirely made without stitching on the inside. With the Q36.5 phone cases your phone is safely stored in style without any discomfort to the rider.

    Bike water bottle

    3. Water and Snacks

    Proper hydration is key while cycling. Water is fundamental for top performance and, in general, for a well functioning body. Therefore it’s obvious that a water bottle is under our top three must-have bike accessories. We recommend drinking at least half a liter during every hour of training.


    Fueling is also key. Nothing is worse than having a hunger attack while being on a long way home. Especially, when you are planning an extremely long ride, snacks are something you should not neglect. There are many specific snacks created just for cycling, for example gels. Gels have the advantage that they are easy to eat, even when you are climbing up a mountain for hours.


    The jelly-like consistency allows you to get energy quickly without having to chew. Don’t forget, gels should always be combined with a good amount of water. Keep these tips in mind and you will never bonk.

    cycling gloves unique - 3 points of contact
    cycling gloves unique - 3 points of contact

    4. GLOVES

    In addition to snacks and drinks, gloves are also a necessary accessory. Our UNIQUE Collection, which features the UNIQUE gloves was developed as an answer to our Three Contact Point Philosophy. The main contact points on the bike for every cyclist are the saddle, the handlebar and the pedals. Our UNIQUE Collection pays homage to them all. The UNIQUE gloves are the first three-dimensional, seamless gloves with an elastic palm. Especially when you are riding steep and long mountains, the way you grip your handle bars impacts your power transmission. Our UNIQUE gloves improve and optimize the grip and support on your handlebars as well as add comfort. That’s why our UNIQUE gloves are on our list of Essential road bike accessories.
    In contrast to the UNIQUE summer gloves, we also have winter gloves in our Q36.5 Collection. The Anfibio are the optimal winter rain gloves. The Hybrid Termico and the Be Love gloves, which are both long finger gloves, are also part of our Collection. They are all must-haves for cyclists conquering the cold season.


    5. Bike computer

    A bike computer is perhaps the most luxurious accessory on our list, but it is an important one. Discovering new places is made so much easier with a bike computer, which has integrated maps and can be programmed to show the best cycling routes. For professional cyclists, bike computers are used to evaluate their training and races, this can also be extremely helpful for non-pros.


    Everyone has their own goal, be it getting in shape, building better form or participating in races. No matter if you’re a pro or not, cycling computers can help you to achieve those goals. If you constantly train in your anaerobic zone you produce too much lactate and your oxygen supply no longer works normally. This will sooner or later inhibit your muscle activity.


    The best way to train is at the aerobic/anaerobic threshold, as it helps you to increase it over time. Tracking this progress can only be done via a professional bike computer with a heart-rate monitor or a power meter.


    6. Gambali e manicotti

    Checking the weather app before you go for a ride is a thing almost every cyclist does. With this information we calculate what to wear and when to be back home accordingly. It’s great to have that information on our phones, but we all know that it’s not always correct. Even the most experienced cyclist does not always get their weather and clothing plan right.


    Leg and arm warmers are the perfect companions to bring with you when you aren’t sure if the weather app is telling the truth. They are light and can be easily packed in your jersey. Leg and arm warmers are not just useful to pack in case it gets colder, while you are on your ride, but they are also useful when you have an early start and the weather is still chilly. If the weather warms, it only takes a minute to take off your warmers and slip them into your jersey pocket.


    We have three different leg and arm warmers in our Q36.5 Collection. The Sun & Air, the UV-Armlight and the Woolf. The Sun & Air warmers are optimal for transitioning between the seasons as they are light weight and are a must-have for additional warmth. They are, however, also useful in warm weather conditions: in sunny climates they can also be used as a protection from sunburn as can the UV-Armlight. As the name states, the UV-Armlight offers optimal UV protection. In addition, they are super light and take up very little space. For colder rides, our Woolf warmers are warmer, have a better water repellency and can therefore be used in colder conditions.

    7. MONEY

    Imagine being far away from home, you are hungry and thirsty, but you’ve used your stash of food and water. Or maybe you are just yearning for a coffee, well earned after a long ride. Taking a bit of cash with you when you go for a ride is always a smart idea. After all, what would cycling be without a coffee break?

    Cycling Hybrid Overshoes Q36.5

    8. Overshoes

    Another road bike must have lifesaver accessory, are overshoes. Overshoes are the perfect defense against rain, wind and cold. At Q36.5 we offer five different pairs of overshoes and also an over-toe cover. The Termico, the Hybrid and the Super Termico are all designed to protect against the cold, wind and rain. Furthermore, our Collection features the Copriscarpa and Cordura, which are more like an over-sock, lighter and good for warmer weather.


    Overhoes are especially interesting for road cycling, because they flatly hug the foot and lower leg, offering good aerodynamical qualities and making them the perfect companion for performance orientated rides.

    1360x800_Y Summer Caps

    9. Caps

    Additionally, cycling caps are also an essential road bike accessory and have diverse uses. In winter or bad weather conditions cycling caps can save you from rain and cold. Yet, they can also save you from getting a sunburn on your head in summer. The extremely light caps can be packed in every jersey back pocket.


    We at Q36.5 also have various cycling caps sporting different designs for different occasions. Whether it is just a plain color or patterned, in our product range you can find just about everything to match your moods and needs.


    We even have a special cycling cap designed for rain protection. It has a bigger than normal front visor as well as a visor in the back to help keep you dry. Besides their practical functions, cycling caps are also eye catchers; especially when you match them to your bike, jersey or socks you bring an extra fashion kick to your ride!

    10. LIGHTS

    Being safe on the road is imperative, consequently lights are a key accessory. When you are planning to do a really long ride, a ride in the afternoon or even if you just don’t know if there are tunnels on your route, with lights on your handlebars and on your seat post you will be riding on the safe side. Your light is useful, because it draws attention to you in traffic, even during the daytime.


    So, with this information in mind, it’s time to stock up on your must-have road bike accessories at and go for a ride, perfectly equipped.